Domestic duties dusted, I settle in for a little fun
Bloody technology has long been muttered through a clenched jaw, without doubt as a disguise for the excruciating frustration felt when one of the devices designed to make our lives simpler, faster, cheaper, safer or, whatever-bloody-else!, has failed to deliver.
So it seems unnervingly simple that Apps (mobile applications) and other electronic software is delivering, day after day. And yes folks it all that simple, delightfully simple!
Today my distraction has been Flipagram, an App spruiked to 'create beautiful short video stories using your photos, set to music you love!' - and the proof is in the pudding, or this case picture, opposite. You download, hit start and follow the prompts. When it's that simple it's no wonder Apple's App store recorded over 40 billion downloads in 2013, and given they were offering 800,000 apps in their catalogue, yeah it seems pretty easy.